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Clear, written communication is essential to every organization. Whether internal or external, you need writing to be concise and strategic. Writing is something that I've always enjoyed, but haven't held many roles where long-form writing was needed. Here are a few samples of work that have be created in the past several years.

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As a member of the College Services Communications Committee of NACAS, I would help develop ideas for articles for a nation-wide print and digital magazine. I had the opportunity to have a piece published in early 2022.

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It's been fairly commons to craft emails that will go out to all campus (or segmented populations within). The campus community get dozens of emails on an average day, so keeping it simple and somewhat lighthearted have been most effective.

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University Dining was one of the departments my team supported the most. We crafted a weekly email to all students on a meal plan. The email newsletters would feature important announcements, events, features, sales and more. We tried to keep the tone fun and energetic, while still getting important information across.

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This Week In Design was a weekly email newsletter I published for almost two years while working for the Department of Design. We featured announcements, deadlines, exhibits, job postings and more. Readership was usually around 35% every week, this was approximately 15% more than the industry average at the time.

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One of my projects while working on the marketing team at Revere Health was to write or edit articles for their corporate wellness blog. This is a piece that I wrote, after doing much research into a topic I had no previous knowledge of.

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While serving as the VP of Publications for BYU PRSSA, I had the opportunity to lead a team that created tri-annual newsletters. In each edition, I also had the opportunity to publish an article. While looking at analytics and user feedback, we decided a mobile-friendly version of the newsletter was needed. We would create two layouts so more users could read with a mobile device.

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While a member of the Public Relations Student Society of America, I met professionals from around the world that encouraged me to aim higher. Ron Culp, an industry leader, manages a blog named Culpwrit. These are some articles that I wrote as a guest author on his blog.


Blog article, written and published while in school. Originated from a class project and evolved into a passion piece about a topic I am passionate about—corporate social responsibility.

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In a creative writing class, we were tasked to write ad copy about our favorite product. Naturally, I picked LEGO. I wrote the copy and also designed the ad itself.

© 2024 by COLIN WYLIE

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