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Search engines are the most common way people find answers to questions. A user-friendly, organized website will solve many problems and is a key marketing tool. Most other channels will redirect users to your website to take action or learn more. Looking back on my career, I didn't anticipate the amount of time and work I'd put into building and rebuilding websites—but I've been grateful for these opportunities. Click on any images to be redirected to the site or a PDF displaying the site as it was when created.

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Reeve Union


The website for Reeve Union was in really good shape when I started in my role. There was a really talented student developer that put a lot of work into the site. Here is a list of projects that I worked on:


  • Built an expanded internal employee intranet with resources, links and forms.

  • Redesigned several key pages to make mobile-friendly.

  • Finding new ways to incorporate videos into the site and cross-promote other communications channels.

  • Developed an internal annual audit system to ensure every page on the site is updated each year.

  • Backend cleaning and organization so it is easier to find forms and quickly edit pages.

  • Reducing the number of pages and trying to compile more information into one place.

  • Adding keywords and adjusting titles to increase SEO and move our pages higher up in search.




While working in the External Relations office of the BYU College of Fine Arts and Communications, the university set new web standards. One of the biggest changes was trying to eliminate all drop-down menus from sites, to make sites more accessible and mobile-friendly. That meant the college needed to redesign all of its sites. This was a massive project, that involved working with representatives from each academic department in the college. While looking at each site, we also looked for new ways to simplify and streamline processes. Several sites are still a work in progress, but the School of Communications website was completed while I was there. Here are a few of the improvements and changes we worked on:


  • Eliminating drop-down menus and simplifying information on the homepage.

  • Student feedback indicated application information was confusing and unclear. We pulled everything into one place and laid it out so applicants could clearly understand each part of the process.

  • Adding information and enhancing key pages like the Diversity page.

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The website for BYU PRSSA was a mess when I started the redesign project. Most of the site was outdated, it was hard to find anything and you couldn't see most of the content on a mobile device. The site hasn't changed much since I completed the redesign and finished in that role. In 2018, this site received the "Best Chapter Website" award from the national organization of PRSSA. These are some of the objectives and accomplishments achieved while working on this site:


  • Created a long, scrollable landing/home page with all the key information a person would need to join or take action.

  • Enhanced member benefit page to help with recruitment efforts.

  • Captured and added powerful imagery that was added throughout the site to tell stories beyond the words.

  • Made site mobile-friendly.

© 2024 by COLIN WYLIE

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